Author Archives: admin

Chapter IV – 51 expectations

Exactly 51 hours ago JE found himself lying on the floor, he had no clue where the hell he was. He felt a dull pain on the back of his head while trying to come to his senses. “I’ll take care of that in a minute”, he reasoned. Apart from the headache, darkness, and a slight feeling of anxiety, he had no doubt that all things were under his control. He wasn’t afraid, far from it, he felt unusually curious. A familiar scent lingered in the air. It smelled of freshly used guitar strings.

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Chapter III – the entopic mind of musicians

The colors before his inner eye were constantly changing. Phosphenes, spirals, concentric circles, diffraction patterns, all these entoptic fractals. And notes. There were fluttering visuals of musical notes. That on-off impression made it difficult for him to think a steady thought. JE could not capture a solid picture of a memory from within the last two days which was not a setup from his mind just a moment ago. “Later, when I’m not alone anymore.” He put the pencil and the little notebook aside and went into the bathroom.

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Pt. 2: Space Angel

JE got immediately snapped to attention. Just a second, he considered asking a helpless “What?” but then he brought to his mind again the importance of this situation. So his answer to Ludger’s question was just a quick and self-confident “Exactly.”
Ludger nodded his head. “So, no problem. The room is yours, it’s fine of me. “

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The beginning

The first light of day separated the shadows from the things. Slowly, the black withdrew from space. Nature’s awoke. The beauty of the surrounding endured the rising sun. In the chilly morning air lingered the magic of a summer’s day. It was the 25th of August. However, this scene seemed so normal, the reader would be amazed, what really happened on this 25th of August within this so surprisingly normal scene.

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